Saturday, October 25, 2014
Thoughts on Ambrose
With HIAC coming up tomorrow, its another chance for Dean Ambrose to make his case for the "next big thing" moniker. My thoughts are simple: Make the psycho stuff more subtle, add some new moves to the arsenal, and ease up on using his dialogue to plug every new movie/product wwe wants to push on its universe.
Ambrose has all the intangibles and is getting the rub from Cena...blessing or curse, we'll see. Its time to carry that ball across the end zone.
What are your thoughts? Do you agree? Leave copious comments!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
WWE has never been more poised for a shift in direction and highlighted talent than it is now. With so many major players out and three hours of TV to fill every Monday night, there's a vacuum for guys that can get the job done.
If guys like Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, The Miz, or Dolph Ziggler believe themselves to be main event potential, they have the greatest opportunity that's come along in a long time right in front of them. Now is the time for the next generation of WWE Superstars to show us what they have to offer. If they can't carry the ball, it's no one's fault but themselves. This could be the moment in time we look back and say "That's when it all turned around." Or, guys like Ambrose and Rollins can remain role players and wait for the stars to come back and take all the main event spots... and the main event money.
Monday, October 6, 2014
The Road to Wrestlemania is paved with...surgey?
Well, maybe it's just what the doctor ordered.
If Reigns can rehab in time, it would put him on the same trajectory that catapulted Triple H and John Cena to Mega-star status. If you remember, both Triple H and John Cena sustained career threatening injuries months before Royal Rumble/WrestleMania season that they were advised should signal the end of their in-ring days. Both chose to devote themselves to rehab and their absence from WWE TV built up the suspense for their returns. Absence, indeed, makes the heart grow fonder.

Updated all the time!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
The Sixth American Art Form
It's been said there are 5 original American art forms. Jazz and Baseball are the big two. The problem is, Professional Wrestling is nowhere to be found on that list of five. It's my contention that professional wrestling is one of the great, original American art forms. More on that later.
First, I want to ask why Professional Wrestling isn't on the list of great American art forms. So..why? Is it because professional wrestling is seen as soap opera for rednecks? Is it because it's "fake"? Is it due to some of the ridiculous gimmicks pro wrestling has produced over the years? Is it Hornswoggle? Maybe it's all of the above. Whatever the reason, I think pro wrestling…excuse me, "Sports Entertainment" has been unfairly maligned as "base", "stupid", and "lowest common denominator". I believe wrestling has been so misunderstood that it doesn't get the credit it rightly deserves.
Pro wrestling is most certainly an incredible art form…when done well (which isn't always the case). When you can put two great workers together who know how to tell a story, know how to sell (show the effects of maneuvers or holds throughout the match), and know how to truly WORK, magic happens. See Austin vs. Rock, see Midnight Express vs. Rock n Roll Express, see Flair vs. Dusty. When the performers know how to manipulate an angle, get heat, and talk people into a building (or buying a ppv...or WWE Network. It's only $9.99 ya know!) it's MASTER storytelling. Not to mention calling a match in the ring. It's like two ballet dancers going over the basic story beforehand and then going out on stage and improvising. Not going to happen. Pro wrestlers, however, do it on a nightly basis. They not only have to call their moves on the go, but they have to think on their feet (literally) and keep eachother relatively safe.
Pro wrestling is an art form. It's an AMAZING art form. If you're reading this blog post, chances are some match or angle in wrestling elicited some deeply emotional response in you at one time that hooked you for life. That's what great art does. It effects you, it draws you in. Two performers go into a ring and tell a story with movement that makes you want to follow the story through to the end. If pro wrestling isn't one of the great American art forms, then perhaps we need to rethink whether the others are worthy either.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
YOU are what's wrong with wrestling!

Well, gentle reader, the problem may just be the man in the mirror. If I may digress for a moment, I HATE spoilers. I can't stand when people insist on telling you what's going to happen before you watch a movie. I don't get why some people just HAVE to know what's going to happen in a film before they go see it. For me, it ruins the tension and suspense that the filmmakers have carefully created through plot and the pacing of the story. The problem is, this mentality pervades the majority of online, keyboard warrior, wrestling fans. I don't know if it's the sense of power, or the ability to seem "in-the-know" in the eyes of others, but some people will do anything they can to spoil the surprise for themselves and for others.
So here's my point. The old territory system, the old ways of doing things simply CAN'T work like it used to. Too many of us have access to an internet connection and not enough self control to refrain from finding out all of the behind the scenes goings on's and match outcomes before they are televised. Now I can hear your objection: "But you have a YouTube channel dedicated to the behind the scenes stories from professional wrestlers! Hypocrite!" And that's true, but shoot interviews with former wrestlers are not the same thing as spoilers.
So that's it. I have no solution. I'm a realist. I know that no one's going to read this and suddenly not seek out spoilers. I'm just saying, as good as the old days were, the genie's out of the bottle... but you already knew that, huh? :)
Monday, September 29, 2014
The Spot Show Story
I'm Travis. I've watched wrestling off and on my whole life but I became a wrestling FAN on October 5th, 1997. Recognize that date? That is the night The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels had the inaugural HELL IN THE CELL match at WWE's In Your House: Bad Blood.
I was four days away from turning 13 and hadn't really watched WWE for a while. The NWO angle in WCW had peeked my interest and so I began watching WWE pay-per-views with my favorite cousin Andy. Thank God this was my first!
I had heard of The Undertaker but knew almost nothing about HBK. That night however, on a whim and because I liked his cocky attitude (which he could back up) I picked HBK to go over (win the match, in wrestling terminology). First of all, WHAT AN INCREDIBLE MATCH to see as a 12 year old kid! The icing on the cake was that my new lifelong hero HBK (still my favorite to this day) won the match! With some help from Kane, who was making his first appearance that night.
MY FATE WAS SEALED! I was absolutely ENAMORED with anything wrestling. That began a journey through everything WWE I could get my hands on, VHS tapes, magazines, action figures. I remember I had to go to bed at 9pm so, and this is a true story, I would lay on my floor and watch the last hour of RAW with one eye peeking out through the space between the bottom of the door and the floor. It may seem sad, but I like to think of it as a testimony to my commitment to one of the great loves of my life!
So here I am, almost 17 years later. Still in love with Pro Wrestling, jaded, discontent with SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT, but still faithful and more importantly optimistic about it's future. I wanted to create a YouTube page that offered people who were interested the opportunity to hear from their favorite superstars and get fresh takes on some of the great stories we can't get enough of.
Now, I am starting this blog and am beginning to work on a 3 to 5 segment YouTube show that would air every two weeks (maybe more) that would go over current wrestling, and look back to wrestling past. So I want YOUR FEEDBACK! Tell me the kind of wrestling show You'd like to see. What are the things you care about? If you could do the perfect wrestling show (recognizing you and I don't have access to WWE video archives) what would it look like? Give me your feedback. Let's see what kind of channel we can rebuild together!
Thanks to all those who subscribe, comment, like, and share my videos! You are what keeps the channel going! I look forward to your continued support!!!
P.S. All future blog posts will be MUCH shorter than this one!!! :)